Monday 22 July 2013

daddy's girl

You let go of my fair hand reluctantly
a tear fills your eye
as you know this is the last time
that I am daddy’s little girl
from one man’s hand to another
you feel your job is done
you watch your little girl grow up
and swear to spend her life with someone else
no longer with you
while everyone celebrates
and hugs the blushing bride
you feel all alone
and you feel all your years
you remember all the laughs
and happy times
and your eyes well up with tears
as all the crazy singles
fight each other for the flowers
you sit outside on the step
and reflect for a minutes
however they feel like hours
a glass of champagne “calms” your nerves
the beautiful bride
your daughter, your baby girl
rushes outside
when she realizes
that you’re not by her side
she takes your hand
and strokes your knuckles
and reminds you
that she will always be
daddy’s little girl

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