Thursday 11 July 2013

Aimz's Welcome (N.B This is NOT a poem, just a post!)

Hello and welcome to my page,
Sitting in the Summer Sun

I suppose you are wondering, Why, why oh why is it called: Sitting in the Summer Sun. I chose this because it is my ideal place, this is where I think the best and feel most relaxed and contented. It's also very positive and has great linguistic features, such as: sibilance and imagery (just to be technical)

I would like to thank people for helping me with my poetry and in other areas. Many thanks to my very good friend Léa, who showed me how to make this blog and got me set up. Thank you to one of my teachers who has supported me very well over the 2 years and was the lady, who told me I should set up this blog. Thanks to my English teacher, who has re-inspired me to write poetry again and has supported me a lot during the academic year. I would also like to thank family and friends for supporting me.

Sorry for the long post! There should be 2 poems below this post to get the ball rolling nicely!
Hope you enjoy my work (I would again like to reiterate, all poetry published is original and created by me)

I will try to publish at least one poem daily, but if I am busy, this may not be possible.

Thank you very much,
(founder of Sitting in the Summer sun)

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